Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Bits of This and That

Don't you hate bloggers who don't post regularly? It's so annoying. What is their problem, anyway? Do they think we have all this time on our hands to refreshrefreshrefresh just to check if they've added another overly analytical, self-important post to their overly analytical, self-indulgent blog?

I don't have any pictures of our Seattle trip because I forgot to bring my camera. Yes, we have crappy cell phone pictures but I can't be bothered to figure out how to transfer those to my computer. When I think about the time I would spend figuring that out, versus the quality of the pictures I expire like postdated yogurt. My husband's cell phone takes pretty good pictures...Nope, still can't be bothered.

Today, the contractor called 30 seconds before the workmen came to begin tearing the old shingles off the roof. Thanks for the notice, buddy. Anyway, the roofer is a nice guy. His crew speaks no English, at least that is what I gather from their conversations and from listening unwittingly to their radio station of choice which is blasted from my rooftop. I would like it better if he spoke to me in Spanish as well, since I need the practice. We haven't been going to Spanish conversation group lately, what with jaunts to Seattle and lazy, better things to do-ness. Why does that make me feel guilty, as though Spanish conversation group were necessary to keep me sober? I'm off the wagon, with nothing spoken but pure English these days. With the exception of offering popsicles on a hot day in exchange for an extra-good roofing job. Quieres una paleta?

Also, I have a blister on my foot. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaa. Just wanted to whine, over my Merlot wine. HAAAA! Am funny drunk person. Bye now....


Lady M said...

On most cell phones, you can send a photo to an email address, as well as to another cell phone. I just email them to my PC. Good luck!

Kristin said...

You're talking about me, aren't you? Me and my crap irregular blogging... maybe there is something I could take for it?? ;-)

Pendullum said...

Welcome back..
and Hey I resemble that remark.. I get into trouble for not posting enough...

Anonymous said...

Yep, I get assaulted for a few non-posting days too. Fun stuff.

Too bad about the camera. Seattle is a mecca for great photos.