Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Or Maybe I'm Good For More Like, Two Posts Per Week

Next month I will have to check a new box, the one that says 35-40. Obviously this means I can't stay up past 10 pm anymore. That would make me too hungry since I eat dinner at 4 pm. Anyway. While I wait for my AARP paperwork to arrive in the mail, please enjoy this video. May you also laugh off your ass.


Tiggerlane said...

Oh, Girl, it's better than having to move to that 40-49 box, TRUST.

I wish I was in that 24-39 box still.

And I hope Tina Fey is helping to turn the tide...you know? LOL!

Occidental Girl said...

Oh, hell! As my grandma used to say.

Tina Fey is hitting her stride. I love 30 Rock, although I was a late-comer to the show. Thank goodness for Netflix!

Amanda said...

Been 35 for three months now, it ain't so bad.