Thursday, February 01, 2007

Short Break

We're going to spend a week at the beach. I'm not taking the laptop.

I've got a lot to think about, the most important being OC's school situation. I'm really looking forward to a break from the cleaning, putting away, and sorting......also to feel energized to get more done when we get back.

I'd like to post pictures when we get back, but I can't find my camera. It was here a couple of days ago!


Anonymous said...

Hope you guys have fun at the beach.

I've featured a post of yours over at my place.. hope that was OK.

Kristin said...

A week at the beach sounds perfect... hope it's all you need it to be!

Anonymous said...

Happy! Week O' The Beach. : ) If I stop being a bad friend, a tad bit lazy and easily distracted too, you just might have an email from me waiting in your inbox upon your return. I make no promises. Only I sort of am. Making email promises, that is. OK, so off I go. Wish me luck. And cookies.