Friday, July 10, 2009

HUBRIS: From Ancient Greek ὕβρις, Overweening Pride, Superciliousness, or Arrogance.

I didn't realize I was tempting the retribution of the fates when I exclaimed to my husband, "College is easy!"

I referred to the fact that I had very little responsibility outside of taking care of myself and doing homework. There was no house to clean, no geriatric cats getting sick, no child to raise, and no relationship to navigate. I don't have to clean a toilet for five weeks. There is the fact that I have to buy water and haul the heavy packages to my dorm, but it shouldn't be too hard with all that time on my hands.


Last Tuesday night, a black hole opened up in my world and sucked all available time through it. I needed a few groceries, clean clothes, and a computer with printer, all at the same time. The nearest computer lab was closed by 8 pm despite the posted time which clearly said the closing time was 10 pm. The shuttle to the grocery store had stopped running for the day. I could walk, but it would take at least an hour and a half. I had a paper that was due the following morning and needed editing. All that was left to accomplish was laundry, but the question was, would there be any open machines? There are six machines - SIX - in place that houses hundreds of students. That isn't one machine per group of three housing units. Each group of three can have 38 people in residence. 38 times at least 15 groups equals hundreds of people who can't do their laundry because there are six machines available until 11 pm.

I had exactly just enough time to do one load. I had jeans that I had worn so many times they walked themselves to the laundry room. One load was all I needed.

And here is where I acknowledge that this was a trying day, but it is also the problems of a person studying in Ireland for more than a month. I have to buy water, but to put it into perspective, at least I have access to clean water.

Going to sleep at night is when I miss my family the most.

OC's nighttime routine include a bath. I want to smell her freshly washed (or accidentally-on-purpose, not washed) hair and snuggle with that warm body.
Classes are challenging, but I am lucky for every minute I get to spend doing this. I'm glad it's only the one time, though, because I couldn't take another long separation from OC and OH. OC will just have to get used to the fact that we're going to live together forever.

FATES: The three Greek Goddesses of Birth, Destiny, and Death.

Otherwise known as the Moirae, these timeless old hags weave the threads of destiny that control your life.

They are: CLOTHO who spins the Thread of Life, LACHESIS who allots the length of the yarn, and ATROPOS who does the snip (the final one).

All the good and evil that befalls you is woven into your destiny and cannot be altered even one jot. You may find this a little unfair, but it's the stuff great Greek tragedies are made of.

The ladies are having fun with my life's tapestry.


The Real Mother Hen said...

Well, the good side is, you can always have a pint of the extremely yunny Guinness when you're down in Ireland :)

La Viajera Insaciable said...

Hey! Just wanted to let you know that I have been thoroughly enjoying your posts, but I haven't had a chance to comment until now. I've been busy with my own classes and hanging out with the family, but they just left yesterday so I'll have a bit more time on my hands. I look forward to hearing more about your experiences!