Monday, November 06, 2006


I bought an extra large package of english muffins and then kept them frozen, getting them out one at a time when needed. They're very hard to split when they're frozen, so instead of using a fork I took a very sharp serrated knife then stupidly held it with my fingers positioned underneath the knife.

The satin in the photo? My daughter's Jasmine pants.

This weekend OC and I went to see "Flushed Away". It was very cute. Sunday, the three of us went out for a nice lunch, then headed over to the Schnitz to hear the Oregon Symphony play Mussorgsky's "Pictures at an Exhibition."

OC made me laugh during the symphony when she put her fingers up as though she were conducting. My dad used to do that. We'd be in the car listening to music and if things were quiet he would pretend to conduct. His eyes twinkling and a smile on his face, then a glance at us to see if we were watching. It was his way of connecting with us, and it was sweet.

To see OC do that made me feel dad's presence, and a continuity. She didn't know that what she was doing meant so much.


Anonymous said...

How very sweet. Made my heart ache a little ...

Anonymous said...

That's how you know the bloodline is continuing...when kids do stuff by instinct and it reminds you of someone else like your father.

Anonymous said...

Ouch! I'm sorry to hear about your finger. I once had to have stitches on one of mine. I didn't realize how much I needed said digit, until I couldn't use it.

Oh, and also: your daughter is adorable. :)

Scribbit said...

I hope it helps to keep his memory alive when you see his mannerisms coming out in the next generation. What a sweet story.

Anonymous said...

aren't kids the best? How cute was that?