Thursday, September 06, 2007

Out of Womb Experience

The first day of school was fantastic. When I asked her about it, OC said she didn't want to leave. Even though she lost her hair ribbon on the playground, she didn't cry.

The second day of school included a trip to the school nurse after a scraped knee from a fall on the playground rocks. On the way home on that same second day, she scraped a knee after a fall on the sidewalk after running and jumping to touch a leaf. This time it was the other knee. At bathtime that night, she sat in the water with both legs bent because it hurt to put either underwater.

(She's okay, though mom!)

When I was pregnant, I remember I felt that everything was all right because my baby was safe and protected. I knew where she was and that she was okay, all the time. She even got me up several times a night to pee, and that was not so fun but at least I knew that she was safe. At the time I could not imagine a time where my child would be out in the world without me right there, vulnerable to the dangers that come from walking around on hard surfaces and going places where I could not see her.

Now I find that my pregnant feelings were right; it's hard to let your kids go away from you (you know, most of the time...hahahahaha) but especially to see them get hurt.

It's okay. I'll be okay.

Speaking of school, Andrea at A Peek Inside the Fishbowl has a contest going. Share your back to school photos for a chance to win an HP printer/scanner! Details here.

I entered the one with OC looking at me over her backpack, with that silly orange kitty at her feet, watching her Hello Kitty boots. Oh, that reminds me, I've begun adding photos to my Flickr collection. Exciting. I'm only a year and a half behind...


Anonymous said...

What a touching post about being a mommy. Aw. :)

Lady M said...

Awwww. They do grow up and away from immediate safety, and I'm not ready for it.

It's with mixed feelings with I see the little dude learning things I didn't teach him. Wonderful! And also a tiny bit of sadness that I wasn't there to see it.