Thursday, August 02, 2007

County Fair

Yesterday we went to opening day at the Deschutes County Fair. This fair is a big deal here. It's huge and it seems that everyone within a 100-mile radius is in attendance. At 10:15 am, the parking lot already had a hundred cars in it, maybe more.

I was there with my new friend, K. She has a seven-year old daughter so OC had a friend. K knew approximately every fifth person she saw. Maybe that's a slight underestimate. I, of course, knew no one except K and her daughter.

Anyway, it was hot and sunny and soon we were all grumpy. The fair facility is relatively new and so the few "trees" there are all twee. That's right, they were twee trees. Tiny! One tree produced enough shade for 3.2 persons in which to sit. In the entire fair grounds, I saw three twee trees. Maybe I saw one or two more than that - and that's being generous - but three twee trees is fun to say.

In conclusion, OC opted to ride the canoe ride, where every other kid who did was still in diapers.

She is smart for heading for the water on a such a hot day, and truth be told there was one other big-ish kid on that ride. It was definitely a little kids' ride. I'm glad she did what she wanted instead of worrying about what looked good. I hope that confidence of hers lasts forever.


Anonymous said...

It looks so refreshing sitting over that burned up, tired, summer grass. :) Good for her for cooling off!

Anonymous said...

Well, hello. Would you like to see MY pictures of the boat ride with children too old for this??? :-)

Yes, a fellow blogger in Redmond, Oregon!! Come and visit...