Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Holy Shit...I Can Knit!

The above is what went through my head last night at Stitch and Sip, a get together of coworkers where we knit and crocheted. It was fun, and weird, getting together with people whom you spend most of your waking hours with to see them out of context like that. My workplace has fewer than 50 employees, so we all know each other kind of, but we don't have many social functions.

Here is a complete and unabridged list of events for which my workplace organizes a social function:

1. When someone is leaving, we go out to a restaurant/bar one weekday evening. I have gone to exactly one of these, because I have a small child and the whole weekday thing is problematic for schedules and routines and babysitters.

2. When it's December, we have a holiday party. We all get together in a conference room for a few hours, eat, exchange white elephant gifts, then we go back to work.

3. Once per month the group of five of us who do graphics and such go out to lunch.

(I should say, this year's holiday party was quite fun. The food was excellent, and the gift exchange funny. Unlike in previous years, where it was just kind of lame.)

The Stitch and Sip came about at the holiday party as a silent auction item. And now: I can knit! My patient and very knowledgable coworker taught me. Even though I kept forgetting what to do, made my stitches waaaaaay too tight, and ultimately tore out my work to begin over again, I loved it! I went home and did a little more knitting and am getting the hang of it. I tore out that work because I didn't like the yarn very well, and wouldn't use it for a knitting project. I need to go yarn shopping.

My husband is now scared, because I have a new, not altogether inexpensive hobby. And soon, my entire family and including the cats will sport lovely new sweaters. You know, after I learn how to make a straight line. And how to do other stitches. And how to read a complex pattern. And how to block. And how to attach the pieces.

So yeah, like, never; but in the meantime I'll get to go spend lots of money on yarn.

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