Tuesday, November 22, 2005

In The News

There are several topics in the news recently that I'd like to comment. I'm still doing some research on one topic so I can speak about it without sounding like a hack. Now you get to look forward to a well-researched rant, so it will be extra super long. Lucky blog reader, you! I'm going out on a limb and just assuming one or two people actually read this thing. My statistics show that, so far, I am my own most frequent visitor. This makes me feel pathetic if I think about it. Moving on...

I read a great article in this past Sunday's Oregonian an article about the new President-elect of Liberia. There is also this one from the BBC. It's fascinating to me to see these changes. I like the fact that patriarchal African nations are getting more and more women's voices in politics so that they may participate in decision-making. Women, after all, take care of the family. They care about issues to do with people and quality of life in a way that many men overlook in favor of issues to do with wealth or to boost their pride. This woman seems like a fit for the job. I wish her well.

Speaking of women, Germany has had some changes recently. It sounds like this is for the better. Any time people come together to resolve their differences, it's a good thing in my opinion.

And this I found fascinating for its own merits. Can you imagine the engineering required to come up with a plan to raise an entire city? Especially one so ancient, like Venice?

Keep yourself informed, and have a good day.

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